New Year Resolutions of a Different Kind



Well, in the past, I have often made New Years Resolutions, only to forget them or deem them too difficult to stick to.

Having learnt a lot in 2014, grown, changed and become wiser (if only a little), we are only human, we make mistakes, and rely on a lot of grace and second chances.  So this year, I have devised a new list of Resolutions…

1.  Have more fun!

As adults, we often get so caught up in the hustle, kids, marriage, business and work; that we actually forget what life is really about.  We forget why we are doing all of this, and we lose a bit of ourselves.  Let your hair down now and again, have some fun and LIVE!  In life, not everyone gets out alive – make the most of it!

2.  Become healthier!

I often start out with a 50 point check list of things I need to be doing to become healthier.  What do I end up with?  Skipping most of the steps and forgetting to do them at all, there is just too many! So I’m starting with 4 simple rules:  a)  drink those 8 glasses of water! b) get enough sleep  c)  smaller portions  d) stop eating not when you are full, but just before you feel full.  These small steps will help you start feeling a bit better and healthier which will make the transition into a healthy and fit lifestyle so much easier.

3.  Spend less time watching TV!

Yeah, so I’m guilty of this one – aren’t we all?  So instead, I will limit TV time to 1 hour a day (no more binge watching series).  Spending the free time I have left, will be used for reading, painting, exercising, spending time in the great outdoors, and more time with my family.

4.  Work smarter not harder!

This entails utilizing your day on important tasks.  No longer will I be checking emails 24/7, but set times during the day for emails specifically.  Networking, and combining skill sets instead of trying to do it all on my own.

5.  Find peace & balance

However you choose to do it! Church, meditation, yoga, running, or working on your spirituality.  No matter what you believe in, we all need to re-connect with something bigger than ourselves at some point.  We cannot just keep running on empty.  Refueling our souls on an ongoing basis is essential.

So, as you can see, nothing scary and no freakishly long lists and goals that we all know are very often unattainable!

I would love to hear some of your resolutions, leave a comment or send an email.

Love, happiness, peace and blessings to you all for 2015!



Download your FREE Desktop Calendar for January 2015



Wouldn’t it be great to start the New Year off with a Freebie?  Download your FREE Desktop Calendar for January 2015.

Click on the applicable Calendar (either for USA or South Africa, it will open the image for you, and then save, and set it as your desktop wallpaper – it also includes holidays).



USA: Jan 2015 USA Desktop Wallpaper

South Africa:  Jan 2015 ZA Desktop Wallpaper